Download our Facilitation Toolkit

Bringing a facilitator on board to shape and lead your workshops, creative meetings and team events is a really, really good idea.  It frees you up to concentrate on contributing ideas and thinking. And at a step removed, a facilitator can ask tough questions, and help you to think beyond what’s familiar. A facilitator can get you to where you need to be.

 But we also know that it’s not always possible, or appropriate to bring someone in. It might make sense to facilitate your own session or ask someone in your team to take on the role.

 And that’s why we’re excited to be sharing our Facilitator’s Toolkit. We’ve distilled the key to successfully planning and running a creative session into a set of 10 cards, which we still use ourselves. And now we’re making it available as a free download. Use the cards to help you plan a workshop or creative session, or turn to them if you get a little stuck. And if you want to give us feedback, we’d be delighted.

Download your free toolkit

Download your free toolkit